The blessing of living near Brussels now

The blessing of living near Brussels now

It’s more real than 9/11, a friend said, and that it is when the screen you idly log onto reads: L. has marked herself safe in the Brussels Explosions. T. has marked himself safe in the Brussels Explosions. P. has marked himself safe. M., A., S…. safe, safe, safe… and the names keep coming. “There … Continue reading

Honey, I’m (still) HOME!

Honey, I’m (still) HOME!

I got confused before Christmas when working-mom friends talked about how they were looking forward to “the break”. You know, from work. For CHRISTMAS. I would just cock my head and blink at them. The “break”? You mean, when school and daycare don’t accept children, and we are meanwhile charged with directing (and largely performing) … Continue reading